
Tuesday, May 27, 2014


I want to apologize I know I promised an update last weekend and totally forgot!

Eyes: This Thursday Cory will be having another surgery. Since his last graft failed and has just kinda be floating on top of the damaged area of the cornea they are deciding to put a more permanent patch taken from his own eye. (the white part) apparently they last longer then donor patches because its part of your own eye. Then hopefully it will hold until the middle of July. In July they plan to try to do everything to his eyes at once. It is possible to take the oil out, do cornea transplants, and put new lenses in as well to both eyes. They will try anyway but there is no guarantee that they will be able to do all of it at once. So lets make some prayers they can and it all goes well please! I know I will be a hot mess during that operation that's for sure. His right eye is continuing to improve greatly on its own! The fact that he can make things out up close with his glasses gives me big hope for when they finish all the surgeries in that eye. Thank you Dr. L for saying what the heck and trying to save that eye even when most doctors would not have even tried and just removed it. That's his good eye now!


Right Arm: He is gaining strength in it again and was cleared to bear weight. Which he was doing anyway because he is impatient! He has a lot of scaring from burns and shrapnel. Some of the debris in starting to come up and out and will continue to do so for the rest of his life.

Right Nubby: is still healing. There is one gooey spot where some random blue sutures are coming up and out. There is also one spot that is kinda torn that is healing as well as some various spots they call over growth that kinda blisters. For the “blister” spots they normally use silver nitrate to kinda cauterize the spot and they it ends up scabbing and healing. Once it finally heals they will be able to get a liner on it like the left one and cast it for a prosthetic. Until then we just continue to use shrinkers and go down in size.

Left Nubby: is doing FANTASTIC! It is shrinking in size the way it suppose to. He bears weight like a champ! He is able to stand for longer amounts of time and balance so well now. He can also do 2 laps using a rolling walker! He has shrinked so well that they ordered a new liner and once that gets in they will have to recast him and get him a new socket for his prosthetic. He also figured out and learned that his pesky knee pain he has had in his Military career for so many years is in fact runners knee however the way the Army deals with the care of it is improper. Instead of giving him Neproxin and telling him it will go away. They should have showed him how to massage and foam roll it out and various stretches. Eventually after a lot of hard work we will be able to get his knee back to good as new. So if you have been told you have runners knee please seek a professional away from base who actually cares about the well being on your body and will help it heal the right way!

Ears: He has perforated ear drums in both sides. Hearing loss in both ears but one is worse then the other. He has to have a CT done and a apt with the ENT, we were told more then likely he will need surgery on both of them.

C6 spine neck fracture: You would never know his neck was hurt if it wasn't for the scar on his neck. He doesn't feel any difference, he just can hold his head far back fro long amounts of time but then again who can? Lol

Brain Bleed/TBI: His head looks great and his hair has grown back for the most part. His scars are really neat looking though and he has a few dips and dents. He can be a little slow when thinking about what he wants to say sometimes but other then that seems to be pretty much the same as before.

Pain: Has been under control now thankfully. The phantom pain has gone WAY down from what it was but it is still there. He is off the Dilauded and Norco which were both of his “given when asked for” pain meds. They are even coming down off of his Methadone as well! So you could say he is doing pretty amazing! I am so very proud of him.

PT: In physical therapy that is when he stands and walks, but also when he does some exercises and stretching. Now the way one thinks when that is said is like oh no big deal that's normal stuff but really no its not. Its painful and not stuff you would do or even know how to do without proper knowledge. It is super important for him to do these exercises and stretches to keep from getting contractures. He will have to do them for the rest of his life if he doesn't want to get stuck in one position and be able to walk. Without doing them he wouldn't be able to walk. Very important stuff.

OT: occupational therapy is a lot of upper body stuff as well as electronics and like every day life kinds of things like cooking or getting ready or going to the restroom. He is upping his weight training almost every day in either set, reps, or weight. He pushes himself in every aspect. He has made pizza and tuna macaroni salad with little help. He can transfer to/from the potty on his own. Transfers in/out of the vehicle with ease. He has learned how to use his new Ipad and Iphone. The switch was easy considering how much nicer the voice over functions work and the ease of access for the visually impaired it is. It's really nice being able to text each other again when we are apart. Something I thought we would never do again. He still has some learning to do though he still has some trouble answering and ending phone calls but we will get there. Its hard listening to the voice over voice as well as someones voice mail at the same time when trying to end the call.

SLP: Is the speech lady but we go to her for more fine tuning and practice in the electronic department and use of special apps.

RT: is recreational therapy where he plays games like cards, dominions, Chinese marbles, head bandz, etc stuff like that as well as group meetings with other guys on the floor, same for field trips like the one we took to the zoo.

BROS: is our eye guy who helps Cory with learning to navigate around and figure out where he is as well as trying to learn to do everyday things being blind. He also works on reading up close etc.

Psych: He talks about his personal stuff ad things that may bother him as well as ways to cope and deal with various things.

Family Psych: We both do the same together like above.

All the teams co-team with each other and work together to give him the best care.
We LOVE the Polytrauma.

We can never thank Dr. Eapen, Dr. Wilson, Dr. Escamilla, Julie, Estaban, Becky, Gabby, Veronica, Stephanie, and all the Nurses and staff here at Polytrauma enough for everything they have done for us!

Today in our 2nd session in PT Cory is suppose to be getting his NEW wheelchair!
Can't wait!

We can take weekend passes now and will continue to do so!
He does amazing on them and the only problems we have is getting up and down a couple of small stairs at my sisters. The ramps I brought don't freaking work :( So I need to get something else.

Dr. G at the CFI is eager to get Cory over there and in outpatient status.
However we still have a bunch to learn I think and I am not very sure we are just ready for that.
Maybe in a month or two?

Not to mention if they can let us stay at the fisher house there or not.
It looks like we will be staying at my sisters which would mean lots of driving and struggling to get him into the bathroom and up n down the stairs.

You would think they could find us free lodging. I mean the Army did blow up my husband!
It's the least they could make sure they do is accommodate us.
It's not like we still don't have bills and a house to pay for back home.
Not to mention children and fur-kids to accommodate.
We just simply can not afford for them to snatch our BAH for their family barracks.

So I am stressed about that as well as things I can't/wont talk about online.
Just a bunch of things I shouldn't have to be stressed about.

We are ready to be home already but have so much more to go.

It feels like a never ending road.

I know that getting medically retired will take even more time to do then his actual rehab.
I am just wondering how long we will be here and if anyone could give us a time frame!

I am just going to assume it will be 2 years because that's how long he has left on his contract.

If its less then that then I will be pleasantly pleased!

We miss HOME.

All content is owned and copy righted by Cory & Michelle Muzzy.

Thursday, May 8, 2014

Cory had a couple of appointments today, one for his lower extremities and the other his eyes.

Dr. G said Cory's nubbies are looking great and he doesn't think it will be too much longer before he can wear a liner on his right nub too. There are still a couple of oozy spots that need to heal up first. He is now allowed to weight bare on all extremities. He is beyond excited about that. 
Dr. G is eager to steal him away from polytrauma and said once he gets the pain under control with the IV stuff he will be ready to come to the CFI. He is thinking with the way things have been going it will be soon.

Today in PT Cory stayed at 60 degrees for16 mins! That is Awesome! 
30 more and that is standing upright!

Cory's eye apt was interesting.
They said the graph they did last week didn't take and was just kind of hovering over the not good part on the cornea, but that the cornea was actually healing. So they are just going to leave it there and it will either come out a the next apt or disintegrate but either way was ok. He removed some sutures too that seem to irritate the eye. They are crazy tiny n smaller then a hair! He showed me n let Cory keep one o a q-tip in a bag LOL Things look ok in his eyes right now. They said in maybe 2 weeks they can take the oil out. Which will make it a bit easier to see. Then we have to wait for a undetermined amount of time to then do the cornea transplants, and then wait again for another undetermined amount of time to do lens transplants. So lots n lots of waiting. He is very tired of having his eye sewn shut that's for sure! 

I also got my MMA paperwork done so I can regain some loss of my income and be paid to be his caretaker. This rubs me in the wrong way but I am grateful for the help. The reason it rubs me in the wrong way is because I am the type of person who one is independent, two doesn't need to be paid just to take care of the one I love, three I would do all the same stuff even not being paid. However the money does help so I will be grateful and suck it up. Thank you Army.

After all the walking/pushing Cory around today I was dog tired.
I guess I finally smacked into my emotional wall tonight and cracked just a bit.
I was cuddling in bed with that wonderful man of mine.
We were talking.
I made a mistake the other day and hurt people I love without meaning to and felt really bad about it.
Well I started crying and then I just couldn't stop.
A lot of things bother me but no one would ever know it.
I guess I don't realize how much I bottle up.
I guess I can't always be strong like I want to be.
I didn't talk much, just cried.
(which is crazy in itself because I am 100% a talker)
There are no words for all the feelings inside of me or the waves of phases I go through.
I didn't cry enough, I can still feel them back there waiting to escape.
They will have their time and place.
For now it's just time for sleep.
Tomorrow is another day to go "Hard".

I hope you all have a blessed night.

My Heart & Soul!

nubbies looking great!

This is the bird I call Dad who comes n checks in on us!

Blanket given to us from Soldiers Angels!

There is Dad again lol

All content is owned and copyrighted by Cory & Michelle Muzzy.

Friday, May 2, 2014

God is good.

Today Cory got to try on his temp left prosthetic. 

It has a new magnetic pin that helps guide it into the locking mechanism. 

They got him on the tilt table to start adding pressure and to see where he is at.

90 degrees on the tilt table is standing upright and O degrees is laying flat. 

Cory was comfortable at 30-35 degrees and was able to get to 50 degrees before becoming too painful. 

Cory's left prosthetic.

The pin that connects inside the prosthetic.

Fitting on his prosthetic for the first time.

Made him smile big lol

Cory on the tilt table.

Baby is almost standing!

His prosthetic proceeds go to the purple heart foundation.

Also we were told today that Soldiers Angels 
Will be donating a computer to Cory!

Feeling overly blessed
overwhelming joyed.

All content is owned and copyrighted by Cory & Michelle Muzzy