Today has been a great emotional and mental day for me. Do you ever have days like that, when things seem to be clearer then they have been? Like a fog has lifted maybe just a little bit more. Lately I have been avoiding church like the plague and coming up with every excuse in the book for not going. Today I sucked it up, got off my tush and went. During mass I felt like God was urging me to pay more attention. Then the priest started to talk about the anointing of the sick and how it’s not just an end of life rite. He said to call him when we became ill, had a surgery coming up, a disease, anything it’s his job and not just something for someone who is dying. I literally felt like a weight was lifted off of me hearing this. Then he said if we wanted to get anointed to stay after mass. I knew that instant I was staying. I needed it. My whole family ended up staying. It was so nice words can’t even describe. I prayed and asked to be healed and cured inside and out, mind, body, and soul.
Yes, I look fine on the outside… but on the inside I struggle with more things than anyone will ever know.
I prayed for help dealing with my father’s death better then locking it away in a box till it explodes.
I prayed for help in communicating with my husband to help him understand what I deal with.
I prayed for help in healing my husband and I from our pasts.
I prayed for help in curing my addiction to food.
I prayed for help in curing my PCOS and healing all the effects it’s had on me.
I prayed to help my infertility issues (thanks to PCOS) and let my dreams come true.
I felt relief when I left and had a wonderful lunch with my family.
Did you know that when you’re anointed it’s like going to confession and getting absolved from your sins? It made me feel better too. Like a fresh start.
I feel like starting this trying to conceive journey with my husband is going to be long and fruitful. I want to start it out the best ways possible. I am worried. I am scared. I have to start thinking BIG picture instead of the hard stuff we will have to go through to get there. It’s also exciting. To know the end result with be our dreams coming true because I am not giving up until it’s a reality.
Out with the negative and in with the Positive. I am working on this.
I am starting things right this time. I am starting with adopting the most positive attitudes at all times. With putting out into the world what I want to get out of it. I have a massage with a Reiki session this coming weekend to help relax me, I am going to start taking pre-natal vitamins, I have 100 ovulation predictor sticks, and a Basel temp thermometer to help chart, I am eating good for me food, and exercising, I am living my life for my unconceived child.
Tomorrow starts the abundance of doctor appointments. Wish me luck.