
Monday, October 14, 2013

Today I had my ultrasound appointment. The tech said I had a tilted back and down uteris. Its pretty common and shouldn't affect my ability to conceive and carry a child. She was able to find and see both ovaries an they looked pretty typical. Aparently the last time i got this done 6 years ago they couldnt find my left ovary. She said that it sits pretty close to my uteris so it was prob just hiding. Not as many follicles as I use to have at the size I use to have. Except my right ovary had 1 big follicle (which she said could be considered a small cyst that they would prob watch) or that I was going to ovulate soon. Since she said that I think I'm going to start the test strips and charting my temps as well. Wish me luck y'all!

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